© Copyright 100X Publishing. All Rights Reseved.
Author, Publisher, Prophetic Voice, Entrepreneur: Krista Dunk
Krista Dunk is an author, speaker, project director for 100X Publishing, and leader of the International Prophetic Writers Association—an online school and community for self-publishing prophetic authors. Krista has authored 12 books, with several more in process. With her writing and publishing work, Krista’s aim is to make a positive difference in the lives of readers. Krista's teacher heart desires to see others using and flourishing in their God-given gifts.
As a child and young adult who struggled with timidity, Krista now finds herself speaking and training in front of audiences large and small. She has also been called to worship as a vocalist and use her American Sign Language skills to inspire others to worship in creative ways.
Krista and her husband, Chris, live in Washington State and have two young-adult children.
Past Speaking Engagements & Events
[more up-to-date events and speaking information to be added soon]
September 30th: Speaker for Christian Businesses On Fire For God event
June: "Writing From Victory" 3-day training for prophetic writers
May: Interview #2 on Hearing Abba Speak with Jan Duval
March: In-Person Writer's Retreat in Murietta, California
Interview on Hearing Abba Speak with Jan Duval
Quarterly: Interview on LOVEco
September: Guest Trainer for Terilee Harrison's speaker group
Podcast interview guest on several podcasts
Quarterly: Interview on LOVEco
March 9: Interview on Amazon Live, Author's Edition, with Bernice Lowman
Guest Trainer - Movement Maker in-person training, San Juan Capistrano, CA
April 15: Guest trainer for the Original Art Collective
Quarterly: Interview on LOVEco
April: Interview/Guest Trainer for the KingdomPreneurs Publishing Challenge
August 16: Interviewed bestselling author Bob Burg
10-Day Write Your Book Challenge host/trainer
Weekly Zoom trainer for the Author Acceleration Academy
How to Get Started Writing a Book Training for 100X Academy and 100X Publishing "Vertical" leader
January 22: Event host for Klemmer & Associates’ Champion’s Workshop, Federal Way, WA
March 9: Interview on WTWG AM, Mississippi
March 11: Interview on “Terilee Talks” Radio show
April 2: Northwest Ministry Network Google Hangout video interview
June 9: “Tenacious Leader Interview” Google Hangout video interview
January 5: Guest on “Women Encouraging Women” radio show
March 29: SheLeads women’s conference speaker, Snoqualmie, WA
April 11-12: NWCWA writer’s event vendor booth, Redmond, WA
May 15-17: CCC Women’s Encounter vendor, Lacey, WA
May 31: Retreat leader for the Creative Force Press writer’s retreat, Olympia, WA
August 9: Women’s Ministry speaker, CCC Port Orchard, WA
September 13: Women’s Ministry speaker, CCC Port Orchard, WA
October 24: Book signing event at CCA private school, Lacey, WA
December 13: Women’s Ministry speaker, CCC Port Orchard, WA
June-Dec.: “Word Trainer” for the Church for Entrepreneurs
January 25: Virtual class "book publishing" webinar host
February 6: Guest on Making Happy Happen Radio Show, with Cammi Balleck, PhD
March 16: Conference speaker for the “Day of Joy” women’s conference, Syracuse, NY www.dayofjoy.org
May 1-4: Book booth at Capital Christian Center’s “Women’s Encounter” conference.
June 3: Guest presenter/speaker for “Have You Seen Her – 40-day Telesummit” women’s event.
June 4 & 29: Virtual and live author classes, co-presenter
July 13: Writer’s retreat co-host and teacher, WA
September 28: Writer’s retreat co-host and teacher, Olympia, WA
November 1: Guest on “Dream It Alive” video podcast
January 4: Capital Christian Center’s Women’s 365 lunch break speaker, Lacey, WA
February 1: Video interview on EightM.com with Stephen Kasanyenko
February 10: Guest on the “Phenomenal Woman in Christ” radio show, Blogtalk Radio
February 18: “Transformation 2012” conference speaker, national virtual event
March 15: Guest on the “Woman to Woman” radio show, Blogtalk Radio
May 12: Worship With Sign workshop instructor, Lacey, WA
June 21: Worship With Sign workshop instructor, Lacey, WA
August 11: Event coordinator for the Women’s Workwear Swap & Shop, Lacey, WA
August 24-25: “Chamber Women’s Conference 2012” conference speaker/worship with sign performance, South Padre Island, TX
October 23-25: Speaker at the “Grow and Go Forth Women’s Leadership Virtual Conference.
December 8: Aspiring Author Info Class presenter, Lacey, WA
December 24: Christmas Eve dramatic worship performance and vocalist, The Washington Center, Olympia, WA
November 14-18: “Breakthrough Conference 2011” speaker and virtual event hostess
October 20-21: “Flourish 2011” women’s ministry conference speaker, Olympia, WA
August 15: Speaker for the Homeschool Back-to-School Blast event re: gifts and calling
July 31: Book signing – Capital Christian Center, Lacey, WA
July 17: Book signing – Olympia-Lacey Church of God, Lacey, WA
July 11: Guest on 90.3 FM Radio’s “Christian Business Weekly” show, Miami, FL
June 28: Guest on “Kingdom Highlights” Radio
June 27: Repeat guest on the “Brynn Project” WCHE 1520 AM Radio, West Chester, PA
June 25: Step Out and Take Your Place Virtual Workshop hostess – Summer Session
June 17: Guest on the Kelly Alexander Show, Quebec, Canada
June 13: Guest on KVEL AM 920, the “Lincoln Brown Show,” Utah
June 8: Guest on WSTX AM, US Virgin Islands – the “Straight Talk w/Redfield” show
June 4: Book signing, 10am-Noon, Capital Christian Center’s Fusion Coffee House, Lacey, WA
June 7: Guest on New Zealand’s Rhema Radio
March 28: Guest on KAOI 1110 AM/FM Radio “Queen of Fun” Talk Show, Hawaii
May 30: Guest on Writing & Publishing Radio w/host Felice Gerwitz
May 25: Guest on WPCV 97.0 FM Radio morning show, Lakeland, FL
May 23: Return guest on the “Brynn Project” WCHE 1520 AM Radio, W. Chester, PA
May 21: Event Speaker for the Ultimate Women’s Expo
May 19: Guest expert on the Marnie Live! radio podcast
May 10: Return guest on the “Brynn Project” WCHE 1520 AM Radio, W. Chester, PA
May 6: Interview on the Robin's Nest blog with Robin Prater
May 2-5: Ultimate Homeschool Expo virtual booth & session speaker
May 2: Return guest on the “Brynn Project” WCHE 1520 AM Radio, West Chester, PA
April 29: Guest expert for the Association of Proverbs 31 Women’s monthly class
April 27: Guest on KXYL-FM News-Talk 96.9 – Going Home with Mark Cope Show, Brownwood, TX
April 9: Guest on the “Brynn Project” lifestyle show WCHE 1520 AM Radio, West Chester, PA
March 31: Guest speaker at Olympia-Lacey Church of God’s “Harvest Hour Gathering” service.
March 30: Guest on KBIQ 102.7 FM radio morning show, Colorado Springs, CO
March 1: Guest on WTWG AM 1050 Radio, Columbus, MS
February 22: Guest on “Dresser After Dark” Radio Show
February 19: Step Out and Take Your Place Virtual Workshop hostess
February 14: Guest on the Laurie Beth Jones Radio Show
February 2: Guest on WKKX 1600 “The Broadcast” Talk Show, West Virginia
February 1: Guest on Talk 1430 WLKF AM Radio, Orlando/Tampa
December 15: Guest on “Superhuman Performance Radio” re: spiritual gifts in business
December 1: Guest on “Girlfriends 2.0 Radio Show” re: collaboration in business.
October 2: 3-hour, Your Everyday Calling Workshop presenter at the Olympia-Lacey Church of God, Olympia, WA.
August 14: Concert/show Emcee for the “Breast Cancer Benefit Concert with Chonda Pierce” – Olympia, WA
June 26: Guest Speaker at the “Dream Again” event – Puyallup, WA
June 24: Guest expert on the Proverbs 31 Woman Teleseminar. Topic – “You Are Gifted & It’s Time to Shine.”
June 16: Participant with Jack Canfield at an author’s event, Philadelphia, PA
May 27: Workshop Speaker/Leader at the Christ Life Center Church 2010 Women’s Conference, Tacoma, WA
May 21: “Inspiring Woman” at the Inspiring Women Event, Lynnwood, WA
March 20: Interview Guest on the Vanessa Waller TV Show, Tacoma, WA
March 18: Guest expert on the Marnie Live Radio Show
March 16: Guest on PowerWomenMagazine Radio Show
November 3, 2009: Guest caller on the Dave Ramsey Show (aired in 2010)
October 9, 2009: Event hostess & speaker for the Strength to Strength Business Women’s Conference, Bellevue, WA
© Copyright Krista Dunk. All Rights Reseved.